Creative Ways To Increase Patient Volume

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Attracting and retaining patients is essential for the success and growth of healthcare providers in today’s ever-changing healthcare industry. With increased competition, it is vital to develop innovative techniques to increase patient volume.

Getting more patients through the door is a priority, whether visit volume is high or low. Seeing one additional patient per day results in 30 more patients per month.

What is Patient Flow?

Patient flow refers to the patient’s journey through the clinic from the first touch point to the last. This comprises all resources, internal systems, and treatments used during the patient’s entire journey.

Efficient patient flow is critical for optimizing healthcare service delivery, improving patient experience, reducing wait times, and increasing overall practice efficiency.

Key Components of Patient Flow 


  • Check-in and efficient registration
  • Effective waiting area management
  • Clinical examination and consultation
  • Diagnostic tests and procedures
  • Smooth-functioning care coordination and hand-offs
  • Discharge and follow-up

Embracing Telemedicine

Telemedicine has grown in popularity in recent years, due in large part to the COVID-19 pandemic. Integrating telehealth services into your practice not only allows you to reach out to patients in remote locations but also provides enhanced appointment availability and convenience.

Offering virtual consultations, follow-ups, and remote monitoring can help you attract new patients who value convenience and flexibility. Furthermore, telemedicine can shorten wait times, increasing patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Developing a Strong Online Presence

Any healthcare practitioner looking to attract new patients must have a strong internet presence. Invest in a user-friendly website that promotes your services, patient testimonials, and helpful information. Your healthcare practice website is the foundation on top of which all your other marketing strategies are built. There are several upcoming website design trends that can transform your healthcare practice.

Improve your presence in internet searches by making use of search engine optimization for your website. Growing your website in local organic search results is one of the most effective ways to improve patient volume.

Engage patients on social media sites by sharing informative content, answering questions, and promoting your practice.

Google My Business

Positive online reviews and ratings are also important in attracting new patients, so encourage happy customers to give comments on platforms like Google My Business for doctors.


Google My Business is a key ranking element for local SEO for medical practices. Combining Google My Business (GMB) and Reviews on that GMB results in 40% or more of your practice’s local SEO.

Implementing Referral Programs

Word-of-mouth referrals continue to be an effective technique in the healthcare industry. Create an effective referral program that rewards current patients for recommending friends and family to your practice. Provide service discounts, gift cards, or other incentives for successful referrals.

Consider establishing referral partnerships by establishing contacts with local businesses and community organizations. Networking with other healthcare providers, such as specialists or physical therapists, may additionally result in mutual growth and proposals.

Consider using patient satisfaction surveys to get feedback and identify areas for improvement. Patients who are satisfied with your services are more likely to become ambassadors for your practice, gaining new patients through positive word-of-mouth.

Fostering Patient Engagement

Maintaining an adequate patient base requires active patient engagement using healthcare marketing. Implement tactics that encourage people to take an active role in their healthcare. Provide instructional materials, interactive technologies, and personalized resources that enable patients to make educated health decisions.

Integrate patient portals on your website, which allow patients to view their medical records, request appointments, and securely contact their healthcare team. Follow up with patients on a regular basis via email newsletters or automated reminders to encourage continuous engagement and loyalty.

Utilizing the medium of social media is an excellent approach to promoting and discussing your services. Social networking platforms rank among the top search results on the internet.

Patients enjoy using social media to communicate with and share information about their healthcare and practitioners. If you want to increase the number of patients in your practice, you should use social media marketing.

Offering Value-Added Services

Differentiate your practice by offering value-added services that go beyond typical medical care. Investigate collaborations with complementary healthcare providers such as dietitians, mental health counselors, or physical therapists to provide integrated treatment.

Consider offering wellness workshops or educational seminars that address common health concerns in your neighborhood. By providing these additional services, you position your practice as a comprehensive healthcare destination, attracting new patients who value holistic treatment.

Engaging in Community Outreach

Building relationships in the community can have a major impact on patient volume. Organise health fairs, screenings, or educational activities in collaboration with community organizations, schools, or local businesses. These efforts not only raise the awareness of your practice but also demonstrate your dedication to community health. Participate in community health projects, sponsor sports teams, or donate to charitable activities. By becoming an active community partner, you build trust and goodwill, which will eventually attract new patients to your practice.

Leverage Influencer and Physician Outreach

Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly popular in a variety of industries, including healthcare. Collaborate with local influencers or bloggers who have a large following in your target market to advertise your practice. Encourage them to tell others about their great experiences with your practice, or conduct interviews that emphasize your competence.

Engage in physician outreach as well by cultivating relationships with referring physicians or medical experts. You can also hold live sessions between physicians and influencers to communicate a friendly ambiance. Increased patient referrals might result from regular communication and collaboration with other healthcare providers.

Finding innovative approaches to boost patient volume is critical for healthcare providers in today’s competitive healthcare industry. Healthcare providers can effectively attract new patients and cultivate long-term relationships by embracing trending marketing approaches.

North Rose Healthcare helps elevate your healthcare marketing approach by devising custom strategies for your practice. By using the right mix of techniques, healthcare professionals can position themselves as leaders in patient-focused treatment while assuring their practice’s development and success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are patient flow principles?

    Medical treatment, resources, decision-making, and having the necessary internal mechanisms in place are all part of patient flow. Patient flow optimization is crucial for healthcare facilities for two reasons: patient safety and quality of care.

  • What are the 4 P’s of patient-centered care?

    The four Ps are predictive, preventative, personalized, and participatory. These are the cornerstones of a clinical medicine model that provides concrete opportunities to change the healthcare paradigm.

  • What are the 4 guiding principles in healthcare?

    The four main ethical principles are beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and fairness.

  • What is patient-focused care?

    The patient is given more authority over care decisions in patient-centered care. The primary care physician does not only provide the patient with diagnostic and treatment recommendations. Rather, the diagnosis is thoroughly discussed with the patient.