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Shopify Development

Shopify is a global e-commerce giant that offers simple tools to help you start a retail business online in just a few clicks. Shopify has empowered several online retail businesses across countries and has has elevated the online shopping experience.
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Benefits of Shopify

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Shopify Development Services

At North Rose Technologies, we help you stand out from the competitive e-commerce crowd with a scalable Shopify store and bug-free coding. Our services include –

Why Choose North Rose Technologies LLC?

At North Rose Technologies LLC we have a team of dedicated and experienced Shopify web designers and developers. Having worked with notable brands across the globe, our success stories precede our reputation. Our team is well-versed with the ins and outs of Shopify architecture and follows an agile approach for faster and state-of-the-art project delivery. We design flexible and custom engagement plans for each client.

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Our Approach



Our experts assess your project scope and desired objectives to devise a strategic roadmap

Design and Development

On strategizing and approving a plan, we then begin to deliver a sales-driven Shopify store that meets your business goals.

Testing and QA

Upon completion, each project undergoes rigorous testing that enables us to deliver bespoke Shopify stores. Each client’s feedback is taken into account and worked on.

Post-Development Support

Our dedicated team continues to keep a check on the performance of your e-commerce store to ensure smooth operation and is available to help you with any setbacks.

Greater ROI

With a reliable and experienced company handling your SEO, you do not just get to see great results but you also become aware of the conversion ratio. This allows you to make faster, more effective business decisions

Greater ROI

With a reliable and experienced company handling your SEO, you do not just get to see great results but you also become aware of the conversion ratio. This allows you to make faster, more effective business decisions
We work with a plethora of clients from every industry, including
tech, retail, healthcare, ecommerce and service-based startups.
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Latest Portfolio

Develop a competitive and scalable e-commerce with our Shopify development services

At North Rose Technologies, we understand your e-commerce needs and help you stand out from the competitive crowd. In one of our recent endeavours we helped Cotonly, an e-commerce for children clothing, develop a scalable shopify page with bug-free coding. With our shopify development services you get a highly secure platform that ensures data protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each project is bespoke, keeping the unique requirements of our clients in mind. The delivery of a Shopify e-commerce, therefore, depends highly on factors such as business objective and project scope.

Each of our clients are assigned with a team dedicated solely to your project. We follow a completely transparent process and your project head would keep you thoroughly informed about every progress during the course of completion. You will also receive login credentials to check the project progress in real-time as per your desire.
Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that is extremely low maintenance and user-friendly.

Contact Us For
Free Consultation

Partnering with us means collaborating with a highly amicable team that is more than obliged to answer all your queries. Get in touch with us to know what would be the best-fit solutions for you​

call us now (214) 613-0168