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Amazon PPC

An advertising platforms that helps sellers promote their products via Amazon. Leveraging Amazon PPC ads takes a deep understanding of your target audience and the ability to harness the power of the Amazon search engine.
Group 28067

What is Amazon PPC ?

With an Amazon PPC model, the advertiser only pays Amazon when someone clicks on the ad. This is a smart investment for your ad campaigns as you generate massive traffic for your Amazon store and optimize your sales journey. It is a great way to attract and engage with the right audience. Though effective in many ways, this tool can get a little complicated to master. This is where North Rose Technologies LLC comes in. We guide you step-by-step through the entire process and help you determine the best strategy for your desired results.

Our services

Group 28154

Why choose us ?

Amazon is no longer an option; it is the key to building a successful business with lasting impact.
We work with a plethora of clients from every industry, including
tech, retail, healthcare, ecommerce and service-based startups.
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We are a team of dedicated professionals that know your IT needs are important, relevant, and critical to the success of your business. A successful IT company is diligent in their efforts to provide an experience that is not just acceptable, but is phenomenal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! This model helps new products with no visibility get discovered and puts buying recommendations in front of potential; customers. Once your product has reviews, sales history, and refinement, this becomes a cost-effective tool.
Unlike Google Ads, it takes a while to “fit” alongside the other products that are also competing for the same keyword.
This is a competitive process that can get quite complex. Your ad campaigns are only as good as your product listings, which is why it is important to optimize them to get the best results. Hiring a specialist to guide you through it and help you set it up makes a huge difference in the results.

Contact Us For
Free Consultation

Partnering with us means collaborating with a highly amicable team that is more than obliged to answer all your queries. Get in touch with us to know what would be the best-fit solutions for you​

call us now (214) 613-0168