Threads vs Twitter, is the new Meta app any better?

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A new social media platform should not come as a shock to everyone, but the release of Threads by Facebook-parent Meta has left the internet in a frenzy.

Having been announced just a few months before, its launch only adds to the revolutionizing traits of social media. Within just days of its being released, Threads has over 100 million subscribers – making it the fastest-downloaded app.

What is Threads?

Developed as a competitor to Twitter, Threads is a text-based conversation app. Meta describes it as a platform for communities to come together for discussions on varied topics and interests.

It is a space that allows you to directly connect with your favorite creators, brands, and others with similar interests as yours. You can also build your own following and share your opinions.

The vision of the app, as given by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is to create a public space for friendly conversations while taking the best of what Instagram has to offer and developing a new experience around it.

With new technologies such as Chat GPT, Google BARD, and now Threads, we are entering a new technological era.

Key Characteristics of Threads

Build quite similar to Twitter, the Threads feed appears to be text-based posts where users can also share videos and images. You can also have real-time conversations.

Threads also has a 500-word character limit. Users can easily reply to, repost, or even quote others’ Threads posts.

One additional feature of this app is its connection to Instagram. The app’s aesthetic blends seamlessly with that of Instagram’s existing visual and navigation system, allowing users to repost posts from Threads directly onto Instagram stories.

How can you sign-up for Threads?

Users need to sign-up through their Instagram account and get to keep the same username and password. The list of accounts that users follow can also be imported directly from Instagram, making it incredibly simple for them.

However, it is important to note that leaving the Threads app is not quite simple. While you can temporarily deactivate your account, the only way to completely delete your profile is to also delete your Instagram account.

Where is Threads available?

Currently, Threads is available across 100 countries on both IOS and Android devices, with more than 30 language options.

Threads Vs Twitter

Launched as a rival to Twitter, it’s no surprise that Threads aims to up-seat Twitter as the go-to platform for real-time public conversations.

Ever since the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, several users have expressed desires for an alternative and Threads comes appears as a savior to those.

Meta’s existing user base gives it a competitive edge over Twitter. Currently, Meta’s Instagram has over 2 billion users, compared to Twitter’s active user base of 250 million.

Compared to other Twitter competitors that have tried to leave a mark, Meta’s existing infrastructure plays to its advantage and makes it extremely easy for users to get started.

However, the main goal of Threads is not to get users to sign-up – it is to get them to stay engaged and interested long-term. Either way, it is already on its way to becoming one of the biggest marketing trends of 2023.


What are the similarities between the two?

Anyone can notice the very obvious similarities between the two and that Threads has been heavily inspired by Twitter. They both have a newsfeed layout and features that allow users to ‘like’ and ‘repost’ other’s content.

This is not the first time Meta has been inspired by features of a rival app (Instagram reels have been noted for their similarity to TikTok).

However, they do come with some distinctive features. While Twitter has a character limit of 280, Threads users can go up to 500 characters. Additionally, users on Threads can post videos up to 5 minutes long and also share their posts easily on other apps.

Threads-vs-Twitter - Data-Speaks

Key Differences Between Threads and Twitter

1) Availability 

About 16 years ago, when Twitter first launched, it was only a website. But eventually, with a quick adaptation to smartphones, the app was released on both Android and iOS. However, Threads is only a mobile app right now, and you can get it via the iOS and Android app stores. This limits it to being solely a mobile experience with the uncertainty of a website being accompanied anytime soon.

Key Differences between Threads and Twitter (infographic)

2) Verification 

Once Elon Musk took over Twitter, a new verification subscription system was introduced. This included certain additional privileges, such as an increased word count, no advertisements, and the well-known blue tick.

Meta quickly adopted a similar change with Instagram but it only provides verification as a service. While Twitter Blue is a blue tick and offers additional perks, Threads verification on Instagram is merely a blue tick. Both platforms charge practically the same amount each month.

3) Account syncing 

One can sign in to Twitter with an email address, phone number, or even just a username. Threads, on the other hand, syncs with your Instagram and is dependent on you having an account on it previously. There is currently no other method to access Threads other than through your Instagram account.

4) Multimedia posts and Feed curation 

A user can post website links, movies, and photographs on both platforms. Both platforms allow users to upload GIFs, but in order to post a GIF on Threads, one must first save it to their camera roll. Additionally, compared to Twitter, where a tweet may only contain four items, Threads allows for the simultaneous posting of more images and videos – similar to Instagram’s carousel postings.

Another thing to note is that on Threads there is no method to text someone privately. It lacks Twitter’s in-app messaging feature. Additionally, a user cannot search anything other than usernames and accounts on Threads.

What does this mean for the future?

Threads possess a great way of gathering additional engagement time. While it doesn’t offer any ads yet, it is expected to ultimately supplement Meta’s core advertising business. To learn more about how this new platform by Meta can change the way of doing business, connect with the expert team at North Rose Technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Threads?

    Threads is a newly launched text-based version of Meta’s photo-sharing app Instagram.


  • What is the purpose of Threads?

    Similar to its rival Twitter, users can share text posts, photographs, and videos as well as interact with what others have posted.

  • Do you need Instagram for Threads?

    As of now, the only way of signing up to Threads is via an existing Instagram account.

  • What is the difference between Threads and Instagram?

    Unlike Instagram, which primarily uses images and video to connect users, Threads aims to increase textual interaction.

  • Can you use hashtags on Threads?

    As per its current interface, hashtags have no effect on Threads.