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SEO services from North Rose
Technologies LLC Increase organic traffic to drive more revenue

Stay ahead of your competition by ranking high on search engines. With our expertise, you are able to organically grow your traffic and boost revenue. SEO is a critical part to fuel any business growth in today’s world.


The acronym SEO stands for
Search Engine Optimization.

Search engine optimization is a technique that helps companies boost their brand visibility and increase their website ranking when it comes to search engines. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are widely-used search engines, and how your site ranks in each determines how many people will see your website. The higher your site ranks, the more visibility you have amongst the users. SEO is using targeted content to improve said ranking and increase website traffic.

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The Process
of SEO

A lot of the time people start with keyword research and don’t move beyond that stage if their rankings don’t improve quickly enough. The reason behind this behavior is that it’s much easier to identify new keywords than improve existing backlinks.
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    The first step is to find keywords that work best for your website. This includes doing research on the industry you belong to and keywords that are relevant to it.

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    This part of the process is arguably the most important as it identifies problems early on and helps you solve them before they become issues that can lower rankings or destroy your online presence.

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    Once your basics are done, all that is left to do is to start your SEO process and wait for results to come in!

What is the goal?

The goal of SEO is ultimately to obtain higher rankings for your website by improving the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website. This process starts with keyword research, followed by on-page optimization, which includes content creation and title tags. Keyword research identifies relevant keywords based on search volume data and competition analysis, allowing you to connect directly with your target audience.

On-Page optimization is using the desired keywords in important locations on your page, such as title tags. Once the SEO content is created, you can utilize the power of link building to strategically include internal and external links to your website pages.

Why does your business need
Search Engine Optimization?

Being placed high on the search results allows your website to be perceived as legit and trustworthy amongst viewers. This gives your company an advantage over any competition right from the beginning. SEO is a cost-effective and powerful tool that yields unimaginable results. From increased traffic to lead generation and higher revenue, these are just a few of the many benefits.

Greater Digital Presence

Having an optimized website increases your visibility on search engines. By creating a greater online presence for your business, you can tap into a wider pool of potential customers.

Generates Traffic

With more visibility and higher rankers comes more traffic to your website. Nearly 40% of a business’s revenue comes from its digital presence.

Builds Credibility

When you rank higher, your brand becomes more popular and therefore, more credible. Using organic SEO allows you to sustainably build trust amongst prospective customers.

Generate Leads

More traffic on your website leads to more leads. Optimizing your website helps your brand gets more online hits.

Greater ROI

With a reliable and experienced company handling your SEO, you do not just get to see great results but you also become aware of the conversion ratio. This allows you to make faster, more effective business decisions

Greater ROI

With a reliable and experienced company handling your SEO, you do not just get to see great results but you also become aware of the conversion ratio. This allows you to make faster, more effective business decisions
We work with a plethora of clients from every industry, including
tech, retail, healthcare, ecommerce and service-based startups.
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Latest Portfolio

SEO for Chitkara University

Chitkara University offers a world of learning that will help you reach your goals. With our help in Search Engine Optimization, Chitkara University has developed a strong online presence. This has been done through through research, tech audits, and developing SEO strategies by our expert team. Our efforts have helped them rank high on google rankings.

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO is one of the easiest yet powerful ways to increase your brand’s visibility, credibility, and lead generation. It also attracts new prospects and positions your business as a thought leader.

On-page SEO covers your page’s content, meta tags, and images – basically the elements of a page that are visible to users. Whereas, Technical SEO is all about how Google indexes your site. This includes optimizing site speed, structured data, and XML sitemaps.

Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to yours. Links are one of Google’s top 3 ranking factors and link building is the practice of getting other websites to link to yours. This acts as a vote of trust from one website to another.

Contact Us For
Free Consultation

Partnering with us means collaborating with a highly amicable team that is more than obliged to answer all your queries. Get in touch with us to know what would be the best-fit solutions for you​

call us now ( 214) 613-0168